We are happy that Fabian Wolf joyned the national GUNSAILS Team. Fabian belongs to the top 10 of the German Windsurf Cup and this season the young student from the north of Germany even aims for a place on the podium.



GUNSAILS | Fabian Wolf DWC GWA Windsurf Slalom Foil Deutscher Windsurf Cup
Date / Place of birth 1998 / Germany
Home spot Kiel / Schilksee
Favourite spot Tenerife / El Medano
Favourite discipline Slalom / Foil / Freestyle
Favourite move Air-Flaka
Favourite sail GS-R 7.7 / GS-F 9.0
Sail number GER-404
Hobbies Biking, Surfing, Snowboarding
Motto Always have fun on the water

DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN A FEW WORDS: At the age of 8 years old I started windsurfing on the German island called “Föhr”. Until I was 18 years old it was all about the fun, but once I turned 18 years old it got serious business. From there on I was competing in several national and international competitions. After competing for only two years I was ranked top10 in the national tour (German-Windsurfcup). In the future I am aiming for the Podium, I want to push the limits especially in the new foiling discipline.

BEST DAY ON THE WATER: The best day on the water was for shure one of the foiling sessions in Kiel last summer. What is better than foiling at your homespot in 25 degrees with just boardshorts?! The German summer delivered great weather with many foiling sessions last year.


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